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624552 Hot Tub Heater Element 5.5 kW 240 Volt Spa Heating Element 240V 5500W SPACOMP 06
624552, 6-Flo, 12-0100-k Spa Heater Element 5.5 kW 240v
Spa Heater Element
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Product Code: 624552

624552, 6-Flo, 12-0100-k Spa Heater Element 5.5 kW 240 volt Fits most Flo-thru hot tub heaters.

Incoloy 800 sheath provides superior corrosion resistance, along with epoxy potting top and bottom for the ultimate in protection. Balboa M-7 compatible.

Features very easy to install dimensions, for difficult style housings. 9.9 inch overall length. One of the most popular replacement element, often referred to as a universal flothru replacement element. Spa Heating Element 240V 5500W SPACOMP 06, also available in ratings of 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 4.5 kW Also available coated, with protective coating.

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